A young celebrant
Laura is a young celebrant (ok...ok... young-ish celebrant) who conducts ceremonies around Sydney, NSW. She is warm, well-organised and believes that the best weddings have some laughter, a few tears and a real sense of your personality shining through.
As a young celebrant, Laura remains flexible and open-minded about the way your wedding will work. She welcomes your input and provides lots of ways in which you can include your own personal touches.
That said, you don't get married every day and if you're not sure what you want then Laura is on-hand to guide you. Having performed hundreds of weddings around Sydney she's seen many things that work well and some that don't.
As well as taking care of all the legal requirements for the wedding, Laura will also make sure the day runs smoothly. She may be young celebrant, but she has lots of experience and will take care of all the little details that will make your wedding day special.
Laura considers dress-code, colour-schemes, the style of the wedding and where to stand for the best photos. Rest assured there will be no crazy hats, weird harp-music or over-sized feather pens (unless you're a fan of feathers, in which case... go for your life!).
As a young celebrant Laura...
Is on your wavelength
Fits with the look and style of your day
Won't discuss cheesy cliches and outdated concepts of marriage
Brings a sense of fun and warmth to the wedding day